Ward Transport and Logistics

Ward API Information

Note on upcoming API Changes

Pickup, Rate Quote, and Trace Shipment API's are now REST vs SOAP. They also have a new endpoint URI. A user name and password are required going forward. The SOAP versions will continue to be supported until 12/31/24. The documentation has been updated to reflect these changes. We encourage you to convert your code to use the new APIs as soon as possible as the previous endpoints will no longer function after that date.

Getting started with Ward APIs

URL-Based Tracing

For simple tracing of a shipment via url you can construct the URL following these two examples. You need to provide either the BOL# and Origin Zip Code; or the Pro#.

For Example:

API Documentation

The sections below describe the required input and expected output for the various Ward API offerings. Access to these functions is governed via User Name and Password.
If your server is outside North America, please provide us your IP address or a range of IP addresses.
Fill out the request form on the right and submit your request to have your IP address whitelisted.

Pickup Request

Pickup request must be sent to the following URL:

Please note that this URL accesses a development server. Once request has been approved by WARD, your request will be ported to the live server.

  • Include information for the pickup driver in DriverNote1, 2 and 3 elements
  • Times must be sent in hhmm format.
  • Dates must be sent in USA (mm/dd/yyyy) or mmddyyyy format.
  • Phone numbers will be a ten digit number.
  • Valid values for Hazardous and Freezable are Y or N
  • Valid values for Package code are BD=Bundles, BG=Bags, BL=Bales, BR=Barrels, BS=Baskets, BX=Boxes, CN=Cans, CR=Crates, CS=Cases, CT=Cartons, CY=Cylinders, DR=Drums, EA=Each, EN=Envelopes, KT=Kits, LS=Loose, PC=Pieces, PK=Packages, PL=Pails, PT=Pallets, RE=Reels, RL=Rolls, SK=Skids, TB=Tot Bins, TK=Tanks, TO=Totes, TS=Totes, or blank.
  • Maximum lengths are shown in examples.
Here is a sample schema of the Pickup Request.




<UserName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</UserName>

<Password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</Password>






* <ShipperCity>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</ShipperCity>

* <ShipperState>XX</ShipperState>

* <ShipperZipcode>XXXXXX</ShipperZipcode>



* <ShipperContactTelephone>8149440803</ShipperContactTelephone>



* <ShipperReadyTime>1700</ShipperReadyTime>

* <ShipperCloseTime>2359</ShipperCloseTime>

* <PickupDate>MM/DD/YYYY</PickupDate>
























* <RequestorRole>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</RequestorRole>







<WardPro>001-1234567 = 0011234567</WardPro>

* <Pieces>99999</Pieces>

* <PackageCode>XX</PackageCode>

* <Weight>999999</Weight>









* <ConsigneeZipcode>XXXXXX</ConsigneeZipcode>














* <NonStandardSize>X</NonStandardSize>
















Pickup Request Response

Possible Status Messages Returned include the following:
  • Pickup Date XXXXXXXXXX is invalid.
  • Ward Transport & Logistics does not service …
  • Ward Transport & Logistics is closed on the following date: XXXXXXXXXX
  • Please correct Hazardous Flag (Y/N).
  • Please correct Freezable Flag (Y/N).
  • Pickup has been scheduled
  • You cannot schedule a pickup for a date in the past
  • Ward requires a minimum load time of two hours to complete pickup request
  • The website cannot accept a same day pickup after 5:00 PM

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






<PickupTerminal>Altoona, PA (ALT-001)</PickupTerminal>






Rate Quote Request

Rate quote request must be sent to the following URL:

Here is a sample schema of the Rate Quote Request.




<UserName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</UserName>

<Password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</Password>




<Weight>5,0 Decimal</Weight>

<Pieces>5,0 Decimal</Pieces>

<Class>4,0 Decimal</Class>








<BillingTerms>PPD or COL</BillingTerms>

<OriginCity>20 Char</OriginCity>

<OriginState>2 Char</OriginState>

<OriginZipcode>6 Char</OriginZipcode>

<DestinationCity>20 Char</DestinationCity>

<DestinationState>2 Char</DestinationState>

<DestinationZipcode>6 Char</DestinationZipcode>

<PalletCount>5,0 Decimal</PalletCount>

<Customer>7 Char</Customer>



Note: In order to receive a quote that is representative of your pricing with Ward, a valid customer code must be provided. Use of an unauthorized customer code will invalidate the quote. All seven characters of the customer code must be sent in the request.

The following is a list of the accessorial codes accepted by the Rate Quote web service.
APU Airport Pickup Charge
APD Airport Delivery Charge
BLIND Blind Shipment Charge
CONSTR Construction Site Pickup or Delivery
GA Guaranteed A.M. Delivery (12:00 Noon)
GP Guaranteed P.M. Delivery (3:00 P.M.)
IDC Inside Delivery Charge
IDCAB Inside Delivery Additional Floor
IDCMF Inside Delivery Multiple Floors
IPC Inside Pickup Charge
IPCAB Inside Pickup Additional Floor
IPCMF Inside Pickup Multiple Floors
LIFTG Liftgate Charge (Delivery)
LIFTGP Liftgate Charge (Pickup)
LTDD Limited Access (Delivery)
LTDP Limited Access (Pickup)
NOT Notify/Appointment Charge
NTADJD Not Adjacent to Vehicle — Delivery
NTADJP Not Adjacent to Vehicle — Pickup
OV649 Over Dim 1 piece greater than 6′ X 49″ or more in W
8OVERL Over Dim 1 piece at least 8′ but less than 12′
12OVER Over Dim 1 piece at least 12′ to 15′
OVER15 Over Dim 1 piece greater than 15′
OVER18 Over Dim 1 piece greater than 18′
PFF Protection from Freezing
TRNFRTransfer of Lading
RDC Residential Delivery Charge
RPC Residential Pickup Charge

Rate Quote Response

Here is a sample schema of the Rate Quote reply.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>







<Manager>Mike Mangold</Manager>

<Address1>1447 Goodnight Lane</Address1>










<Name>LOS ANGELES</Name>

<Manager>Fleischer, Rick</Manager>

<Address1>2555 East Olympic Blvd. </Address1>

<City>LOS ANGELES</City>














<DiscountPercent> 55.60</DiscountPercent>

<DiscountAmount> 84.56</DiscountAmount>

<FuelSurchargePercent> 15.40</FuelSurchargePercent>

<FuelSurchargeAmount> 10.40</FuelSurchargeAmount>

<NetCharge> 125.43</NetCharge>




<ErrorMsg>Some error message</ErrorMsg>


<GuaranteeAM> 225.54</GuaranteeAM>

<GuaranteePM> 168.42</GuaranteePM>





<Amount> 117.15</Amount>

<Rate> 26.93</Rate>






<Amount> 34.94</Amount>

<Rate> 17.47</Rate>




<Description>LIFTGATE CHARGE</Description>

<Amount> 47.50</Amount>






Please take special notice of the <Advertisement> element included in the rate quote response. If the location of the consignee is eligible for guaranteed delivery time service, the rates for all such services will be returned in this location. This is done regardless of whether this service was requested. If such a service was requested for, the results would show under <RateAccessorials>

Trace Shipment Request

Freight Bill Tracing request must be sent to the following URL:

Here is a sample schema of the Freight Bill Tracing Request.




<UserName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</UserName>

<Password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</Password>



- OR To trace by BO/PO number and origin zip code. Pass the following elements as blank if using the freight bill number.






Trace Shipment Response

Here is a sample schema of the Freight Bill Tracing reply.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






<pupType>Direct or Indirect</pupType>

<dlpType>Direct or Indirect</dlpType>




    Statuses Returned from Tracing Web Service
  • Unloaded at pickup facility (followed by location)
  • Arrived at local facility (followed by location)
  • En route to carrier (followed by SCAC code)
  • Out for delivery (followed by location)
  • Out for delivery by interline (followed by SCAC code)
  • Trailer departed (followed by location)
  • Delivery to (followed by signer)
  • Delivered (when no signer information available)
  • Delivery attempted, please call 1-800-458-3625 for more information
  • Bad Pro Number
  • No status exists

Trace Shipment With Movement Request

Freight Bill Tracing With Movement requests must be sent to the following URL:

Please include your username and password in your request headers using HTTP Basic Authentication

Here is a sample JSON schema of the Freight Bill Tracing Request With Movement.


"body": {

"request": {

"freightBill": "028-0741087",


"bopoNumber": "",

"bopoNumberType": "",

"oZip": "54235"




Trace Shipment With Movement Response

Here is a sample JSON schema of the Freight Bill Tracing With Movement reply.


"Reference": {

"referenceNumber": "028-0741087",

"status": "Delivered",

"referenceType": "WARDPRO",

"wardPro": "028-0741087",

"shipperName": "IN-CHARGE ENERGY",

"shipperAddress1": "11625 BUSY STREET",

"shipperAddress2": "11625 BUSY STREET",

"shipperCity": "RICHMOND",

"shipperState": "VA",

"shipperZip": "23236",

"shipperNumber": "ARC-15-MAY-001",

"consigneeName": "CROWN HONDA",

"consigneeAddress1": "555 CYPRESS",

"consigneeAddress2": "",

"consigneeCity": "REDDING",

"consigneeState": "CA",

"consigneeZip": "96001",

"pickupDate": "05/15/2023",

"deliveryDate": "05/24/2023",

"deliveryAppointment": "",

"deliveryAppntTime": "",

"dueDate": "05/24/2023",

"customerServiceTelephone": "(800)458-3625",

"pieces": "2",

"handlingUnits": "2",

"weight": "590",

"bolNumber": "LD3375496",

"poNumber": "ARC-15-MAY-001",

"poDepartment": "",

"marketingMessage": "Ship The Ward Way... Dedication and DRIVE",

"partnerURL": "",

"partnerFB": "DPHL 201089449",

"partnerTransferTo": "DPHL"


"movements": [


"ref": "028-0741087",

"date": "05/15/2023",

"time": "03:40 PM",

"action": "Shipment unloaded at pickup facility.",

"location": "Richmond Service Center",

"city": "Richmond",

"state": "VA",

"zip": "23224",

"country": "US"



"ref": "028-0741087",

"date": "05/15/2023",

"time": "09:00 PM",

"action": "Trailer departed.",

"location": "Richmond Service Center",

"city": "Richmond",

"state": "VA",

"zip": "23224",

"country": "US"



"ref": "028-0741087",

"date": "05/16/2023",

"time": "03:20 AM",

"action": "Arrived at local facility.",

"location": "Pittsburgh Service Center",

"city": "Harmarville",

"state": "PA",

"zip": "15238",

"country": "US"



"ref": "028-0741087",

"date": "05/17/2023",

"time": "09:20 AM",

"action": "Trailer departed.",

"location": "Pittsburgh Service Center",

"city": "Harmarville",

"state": "PA",

"zip": "15238",

"country": "US"



"ref": "028-0741087",

"date": "05/19/2023",

"time": "11:57 PM",

"action": "Arrived at local facility.",

"location": "San Leandro Service Center",

"city": "San Leandro",

"state": "CA",

"zip": "94577",

"country": "US"



"ref": "028-0741087",

"date": "05/24/2023",

"time": "12:13 PM",

"action": "Enroute to DPHL.",

"location": "San Leandro Service Center",

"city": "San Leandro",

"state": "CA",

"zip": "94577",

"country": "US"



"ref": "028-0741087",

"date": "05/24/2023",

"time": "12:29 PM",

"action": "Delivered.",

"location": "Redding, CA 96001",

"city": "Redding",

"state": "CA",

"zip": "96001",

"country": "US"



"result": "Success"


    Statuses Returned from Tracing Web Service
  • Unloaded at pickup facility (followed by location)
  • Arrived at local facility (followed by location)
  • En route to carrier (followed by SCAC code)
  • Out for delivery (followed by location)
  • Out for delivery by interline (followed by SCAC code)
  • Trailer departed (followed by location)
  • Delivery to (followed by signer)
  • Delivered (when no signer information available)
  • Delivery attempted, please call 1-800-458-3625 for more information
  • Bad Pro Number
  • No status exists

Imaging Request

Imaging requests must be sent (https) to the following URL:
https://wardtlctools.com/wardtrucking/webservices/imaging and due to the nature of the images, you must be a registered user

Here is a sample schema of the Imaging Request.



<UserName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</UserName>

<Password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</Password>


<Reference> repeats for each pro

<RefNo>either a ward pro or partner (interline) pro</RefNo>

<RefType>WARDPRO, ILPRO</RefType>



<DocType>BL, DR, INV, WT</DocType> repeats for each document type.




There is a limitation of 100 images per request.

  • WARDPRO format=xxx-xxxxxxx
  • ILPRO format=each interline/partner pro has its own formatting requirements established by the partner.
  • BL=Bill of Lading
  • DR = Delivery receipt/Proof of delivery
  • INV = Invoice and all documents
  • WT = Weight and Inspection Certificate

Imaging Response

Here is a sample schema of the Imaging reply.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<error>some error message</error>

For example: Cannot load XML, Imaging is not available at this time (due to backups and system maintenance activities), Authentication failed

<Reference>repeats for each pro/document combination sent

<ReferenceNo>either a ward pro or partner (interline) pro</ReferenceNo>

<DocType>The same document type that was sent in the request</DocType>

<ImageExists>Y or N</ImageExists>

<Message>Message describing the link</Message>

<DocumentLink>full link to the document</DocumentLink>



Transit Time Request

Transit Time requests must be sent (https) to the following URL:

Here is a sample schema of the Transit Time Request.



<UserName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</UserName>

<Password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</Password>


<Reference> repeating

<OCity>Origin City</OCity>

<OState>Origin State</OState>

<OZip>Origin Zip - Required (5 for USA, 6 for Canadian)</OZip>

<DCity>Destination City</DCity>

<DState>Destination State</DState>

<DZip>Destination Zip - Required (5 for USA, 6 for Canadian)</DZip>



There is a limitation of 100 transit times per request.

Transit Time Response

Here is a sample schema of the Transit time response.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<error>some error message</error>

For example: Cannot load XML, system is not available at this time (due to backups and system maintenance activities), Authentication failed

<Reference>repeats for each Origin/Destination sent

<OCity>Origin City</OCity>

<OState>Origin State</OState>

<OZip>Origin Zip</OZip>

<OSCID>Origin Service Center ID</OSCID>

<OSCName>Origin Service Center Name</OSCName>

<OSCAddress1>Origin Service Center Address 1</OSCAddress1>

<OSCAddress2>Origin Service Center Address 2</OSCAddress2>

<OSCState>Origin Service Center State</OSCState>

<OSCZip>Origin Service Center Zip</OSCZip>

<OSCPhone1>Origin Service Center Phone 1</OSCPhone1>

<OSCPhone2>Origin Service Center Phone 2</OSCPhone2>

<OSCFax>Origin Service Center Fax</OSCFax>

<OMessage>Origin Message</OMessage>

<DCity>Destination City</DCity>

<DState>Destination State</DState>

<DZip>Destination Zip</DZip>

<DSCID>Destination Service Center ID</DSCID>

<DSCName>Destination Service Center Name</DSCName>

<DSCAddress1>Destination Service Center Address 1</DSCAddress1>

<DSCAddress2>Destination Service Center Address 2</DSCAddress2>

<DSCState>Destination Service Center State</DSCState>

<DSCZip>Destination Service Center Zip</DSCZip>

<DSCPhone1>Destination Service Center Phone 1</DSCPhone1>

<DSCPhone2>Destination Service Center Phone 2</DSCPhone2>

<DSCFax>Destination Service Center Fax</DSCFax>

<DMessage>Destination Message</DMessage>

<Transit>Transit (days)</Transit>


Spot Quote Request (10 pallets or less)

Spot Quote requests must be sent (https) to the following URL:

Here is a sample schema of the Spot Quote Request.



<UserName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</UserName>

<Password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</Password>










<PayorPhoneNumber>Required xxx-xxx-xxxx format</PayorPhoneNumber>











<StackablePallets>Required Y/N</StackablePallets>

<ProjectedShipDate>Optional mm/dd/yyyy (USA Format)</ProjectedShipDate>


<Item> Repeats for each item on shipment. Must have at least one.


<Weight>Required in Whole Pounds</Weight>


<StdSkid48X48X72>Required Y/N</StdSkid48X48X72>

<NonStdSkidLength>Required if StdSkid48X48X72 is N</NonStdSkidLength>

<NonStdSkidWidth>Required if StdSkid48X48X72 is N</NonStdSkidWidth>

<NonStdSkidHeigth>Required if StdSkid48X48X72 is N</NonStdSkidHeigth>


<Accessorial> Optional: Repeats for each accessorial on shipment.


<AccValue>Required on certain accessorials</AccValue>



Accessorial List
Code Description Requires Value
APD Airport Delivery Charge
APU Airport Pickup Charge
CONSTR Construction Site Pickup or Delivery
FULLV Full Value Insurance (Requires FVI Value in US Dollars ex: $2,138.50 = 2138.50 Yes
HAZCHG HAZMAT Handling Charge
IDC Inside Delivery Charge (Requires floors above/below unloading point. 0 is valid) Yes
IPC Inside Pickup Charge (Requires floors above/below loading point. 0 is valid) Yes
LIFTG Liftgate Charge (Delivery)
LIFTGP Liftgate Charge (Pickup)
NOT Notify/Call for Appointment Charge
NTADJD Not Adjacent to Vehicle — Delivery
NTADJP Not Adjacent to Vehicle — Pickup
PFF Protection From Freezing
RDC Private Residential Delivery
RPC Private Residential Pickup Charge

Class List

Spot Quote Response

Here is a sample schema of the Spot Quote response. In addition to the XML response, a confirming email with the spot quote details is sent to the email address associated with the user ID passed to the web service.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<error>some error message</error>

For example: Cannot load XML, system is not available at this time (due to backups and system maintenance activities), Authentication failed


N=An error occurred and the quote was not logged into our system.




<Charge>Repeats for each Charge Line




<Accessorial>Repeats for each Accessorial on Shipment




<SpecialNote>These are boilerplate notes on all spot quotes.

<NoteMessage ID="1 …"></NoteMessage> Repeats for each note.


Pickup ETA Request

Pickup ETA requests must be sent (https) to the following URL:

Here is a sample schema of the Pickup ETA Request.



<userName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</userName>

<password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</password>






Pickup ETA Response

Here is a sample schema of the Pickup ETA response.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<error>some error message</error>

For example: Cannot load XML, system is not available at this time (due to backups and system maintenance activities), Authentication failed


<ETA>ETA Message</ETA>


The pros element only appears if we have assigned at least 1 pro to a shipment within the pickup. Since these pro numbers are gathered from the drivers and are sometimes hand entered, they are not guaranteed to be the final pro number assigned to a shipment. Our billing process assigns the final pro number.


The pro element repeats for each pro assigned to a shipment within the pickup.



Delivery ETA Request

Delivery ETA requests must be sent (https) to the following URL:

Here is a sample schema of the Delivery ETA Request.



<userName>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</userName>

<password>Provided by Ward Transport & Logistics</password>


(The pro should include leading zeros and no dash 015-0234567 passed as 0150234567)

<pro>10 digit Ward Pro Number</pro>



Delivery ETA Response

Here is a sample schema of the Delivery ETA response.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<error>some error message</error>

For example: Cannot load XML, system is not available at this time (due to backups and system maintenance activities), Authentication failed


<ETA>ETA Message</ETA>

<deliveryDate>if delivered mm/dd/yyyy</deliveryDate>

<deliveryTime>if delivered hh:mm(this is military - 24 hour time format)</deliveryTime>


</wsResponse> </wsresponse>

API Access Request - Non-USA Servers

Fields with * are required.